Monday, 9 January 2017

Day nine's Runuary run didn't quite go according to plan...

Today was supposed to be my first proper I'm a Run Leader for Lordshill session. Was nervous but excited. Plus I wasn't going to be the actual main leader but would be introduced as a run leader to the group but Josh would be doing the actual run leading.

Was steaming up Hill lane.
Wasn't late but was cutting it a bit fine. I'd needed to drop car passes for tri club at the Quays and our train from Andover after visiting The Junction didn't get back into Southampton until 5:34pm so was having to do everything very fast.

So was steaming up Hill lane when bam, hit a pot hole. Got a flat tire :(

Stopped. Turned around. Popped pannier on the other side of the bike rack. Grabbed the saddle and jogged back home.

Was quite tired as not only was I running but I was also doing some upper body strength work too!

Took me about twenty mins to fix. Def getting quicker :)

Tri club meeting, home, TV, bed.
I've now been for a run every day for nine days. Loving it.

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