Monday, 10 September 2018

Week 2 day 1 :) nearly didn't go to HB

Did the double yesterday at work 6:45am - 10:15pm. Was hugely flagging by the end. Spent most of the day athlete tracking Ben from work and Dean and Angela from STC / HB. All three are now An Ironman. Amazing. 

I went for a ten minute walk. 

So today I nearly didn't go to HB. Glad I did. Smashed it. Kept going. Also from is now 138. Will up it 5% every two weeks.

Am pleased with my progress. It's a 16 week plan to take me to 13/12. Absolutely no need to panic or hurry. Just keep to the running, at least six HB a month and figure out how to write back into the water. Will rejoin SUTri.

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