Thursday, 20 September 2018

Rejoined fat club :)

Bernie always said that once she combined fat club - slimming world, with exercise her weight just fell off. Or was it Sarah who said that??

Anyways, whoever said it was right as Bernie then lost loads of weight and she's pretty much maintained her weight ever since.

So it's now my turn to see if I to can lose shed loads of weight :)

My starting weight - with my trainers on, is 13:8.5
My goal is 11:7
I'd like to lose two stone and get to eleven and a half. That will absolutely help my running and my ultimate goal of a sub 7.5 hour Lakesman Half next June.

I of course came home, tidied up, and then ate until bedtime :(

x3 dairylee triangles
x 1 packet of baked crisps
A frozen shepherds pie from the freezer
x2 slices of toast and marmite
x 1 packet of baked crisps
Half an apple

Basically I just ate.

So quite a lot of work to be done with the weight loss portion of OF&H!!
I bought 12 sessions which'll take me to just before Christmas. It'll be interesting to see how I do. Perfect timing for the Portsmouth Coastal Marathon 

Katherine has lost a stone in three weeks
Karyn was hoping to make it to the 7:30pm session this eve.

I've got a lot of changes to make.
Should be brilliant fun :)

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