Friday 20 May 2011

Day 20 of 182

work work work, knackered.
rushed home, got into my P.E. kit then off the gym to meet dan for 5.30pm.

he's done me 3 workout sheets - we'll do one together and then i'll do x2 on my own during the week.
we'll do this for the 4 weeks before i go to usa.

how awesome is that?!

was hysterical as he's put in a couple of free weights exercises - felt like i should have called out "girl on the mat" as i walked into the free weights area at the gym.

so we shall see - my 1st proper session is 11.30am tomorrow morning.

my fitness regime will, from tomorrow consist of:-
  1. personal trainer once a week
  2. x2 additional workouts at the gym, minimum during the week
  3. zumba once a week
  4. about 30-40miles per week cycling (work and play)
should be well on schedule for loosing at least half a stone (that's 7lbs to my lovely american chums) before the states so i've got room for major scoffing and drinking.

very pleased.

1 comment:

dcp said...

No No No

Wrong attitude. Don't do major scoffing and drinking - do all in moderation then that way you'll not blow what you've achieved now.

Think back to your fat club days - flexible syns! You know it makes sense.

You know I love you *kiss kiss*