Monday, 2 May 2011

Day 2 of 182

okay... day two.

decided to go to the gym today - basically I'd found it really hard to move this morning due to my 5k little run yesterday so thought 30mins in the gym would help me to get mobile.

1. cycled - 2miles in 8mins
not bad, thighs were agony but felt that a couple of miles was a good solid start.

2. running - 0.5km in 5mins
hmmmm... could barely stand

3. Xtrainer - 0.5miles in 7mins
arms were pretty wobbly and could sense i was bordering on bright purple.

as this was my 1st proper trip to the gym I had a good old browse at all the machines. needless to say I haven't really got a clue. did some work on my core - thought that would be a good idea. basically I need to sort out a session with a personal trainer - someone who'll tell me what machines to use and how.

then I went home and did some gardening - pics to follow.

am now eating a bowl of pasta.

1 comment:

dcp said...

Am very impressed. Looking forward to reading about Day 3. Keep up the good work.