Thursday, 15 September 2011

Month 5 day 15

Gosh... good day today.
bike guy has my bike - - excited because by the end of this weekend i'll have all 24 gears again on my bike. blimey - i'm going to be getting everywhere sooooo quickly!

day 2 of a good piece of training - enharnced multi agency safeguarding and child protection then back to work for a couple of hours.

8pm - met dan at the gym.

5k in 40 odd mins then used a 10kg powerbag:-
okay, was hilarious - felt like an east german weight lifter - in fact i think dan was very impressed with my clean and jerk capabilities!
lots of sniggering to myself as i left the gym imagining myself in my boy leg swimming costume, wearing my trainers with socks pulled half way up my legs. yeah, great image.

anyways... watching torchwood, will grab a shower and then bedtime.

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