Monday 27 April 2015

I've run the London Marathon!

I'm writing this Monday evening, I can walk, I'm tired and a bit sore and managed 30mins of tri club swimming. Not bad for the day after my first ever marathon :)

6:41.05 - and I blinking loved pretty much every minute even when my feet really hurt and my calves were on fire and the sides of my knees hurt. The crowds, the atmosphere,  the history of the event, support teams Liz x2, friends running it as well, the amazing support of family, friends and colleagues following my race and sending good luck messages = the most awesome day out ever!!!

My plan of a 26.2mile sightseeing jaunt round London with 37,000 other tourists while 700,000+ people cheered absolutely happened to perfection.

Even when I hurt I was whooping and cheering and smiling and yelling out at each mile.marker from about five miles that I'd done it :) By the end I was yelling out 800m to go then 600m then screamed 26miles done and then I pretty much had my arms aloft from the top of the Mall right through the finish line. Awesome fun.

Travelled up with my running club Lordshill Road Runners and then found chums from the Solent Running Sisters and Eastleigh Running Club. Enroute I had my amazing support team of Karyn, Sharon (mile 8, 18 & 25) and Vik plus sister Debs, brother in law Mark and the girls Katie and Emily (miles 18 & 25) plus tri club buddy Suzanne and her chums at mile 15 and Pam from tri club at the finish handing out medals.

I felt extremely loved and supported by not only those that I knew but also by everyone in the crowds and it made such a huge difference.

Then pizza on the South Bank and a bottle.of red on the train back to Southampton. Such a fab day.

Food and drink - got through 6 gels, 2 jaffa cakes, half a dozen mini cheddars, a cocktail sausage, maybe half a dozen jelly beans, a biscuit, a handful of trail mix, water at about 10stops, lucazade sports drink at three stops. I may have drunk a tad too much as I must have used the portaloos at least six times!

What do I need to do for the Twin Cities Marathon on the 4th October??

1. Lose 20lbs - that should shave off 17mins from my finish time without having to do any extra training  just because I'd be lugging around nearly a  stone and a half less of me.

2. Get quicker - the cutoff time for the Twin Cities Marathon is six and a quarter hours so I need to get about 90mins faster. I reckon I'll prob spend at least 15mins chatting to mates while.on the.course.

3. Be stronger - my tummy muscles hurt so I.need to really strengthen my core and work on my overall strength and conditioning.  Luckily I've signed up.for the next Runcamp Level 2 course that starts tomorrow eve.

4. Keep running.

5. Work on my nutrition and hydration as I must have spent about 15mins of the 6:41.05 in a queue for the loo :)

Would I do London again?
Well probably not as I've done it now and there are loads of perfect city break / marathon running combination destinations out there not only in the UK but in Europe and further afield... However, let's see how I do in the Minneapolis / St Paul Marathon in October before I start thinking about any future membership of the one hundred club x

I think it's starting to fully sink in just what I've done. I've run the London Marathon. I'm a London Marathon finisher of which there are less than one million of us on the entire planet. I'm just so blinking proud of myself :)

Such an awesome day. Absolutely loved it. Brilliant brilliant fun. Honestly if you ever get the chance / opportunity to do London then grab it with both hands and don't let go till you cross the finish line.


Anonymous said...

well done Liz immense achievement, sure you couldn't have done it without that single, solitary cocktail sausage x Paul Mush x

Tamsyn said...

Cracking read, Liz, as well as a great result. x

LizC said...

Omg Paul, that cocktail sausage at mile 14 was a parcel of running joy hand delivered by the angels themselves :)

LizC said...

Thanks Tamsyn xxxx