Thursday, 17 November 2011

physio hurt!

well... went to physio and she pretty much pummelled around my knee and into my thigh for about 20mins. kept saying ooh hot spot and pressing down hard while counting down from 7. then did some strengthening exercises which made my muscles wobble - which made her say "well there's no way you'll be doing 13 miles on this leg yet seeing as you can't even do this without your muscles twitching", and then she kneedled me abit more.

wierd pain - at 1st it was a hurtie tickle but then it just became an OMG that really hurts as i had my eyes shut tight, gripping sides of the treatment table and doing alot of whimpering and face contortions. but... leg def felt looser, muscles not so tight etc...

and i really mustn't do any leg work. so no big cycling, no running - nothing that makes my knee twinge. the lovely carbis bay walk in cornwall on sunday may have been abit too much. sigh.

gym tomorrow - will do sit ups and upper body work.

had pancakes and duck for tea tonight - special offer at lidls. needed cheering up. will have some red wine now too.

oh the trials and tribulations of a side-lined elite athlete cut off in her prime.

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