Sunday, 27 November 2011

my trip to go ape in cannock has exposed my lack of upper body strength...

what a fab w/e.
go ape was amazing - great fun but also quite terrifying seeing as i really really dont like heights!

just look how high up we are.

and of course we had to get up into the trees... which meant alot of rope ladders. rope ladders are not that easy to use.

things i now know about myself:- 
  1. i really have to build up my upper body strength.
  2. i now really ache
  3. i need a hot bath.
knee update
it's okay.
i did have a slight panic when i thought eeeeeek what's that? and thought i felt a twinge but (fingers crossed) it went away and it feels fine.
i do though have to remember to do my exercises every morning and evening otherwise it'll just break down again when i get to the 3 mile marker on a run...and that would make me very sad.

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