Saturday, 9 June 2012

15 days to the Polsden Lacey 10k

i'd like to make it clear to all 11 of you lovely followers (and anyone else who happens to stumble across OF&H) that even though i haven't been as regular with my postings of late, i am still an elite athlete so am training hard and have been a member of Upper Shirley's Thursday 7.30pm fat club now for the last 8weeks.

i've just been an utter EPIC FAIL on sharing it all with you all. eeeeeeeeeeeep.


  1. i have now lost 11.5lbs in 8 weeks
  2. i now don't have bread in the flat - hasn't been as hard as i thought not having easy access to toast and marmite.
  3. i have got back into going to the gym
  4. i need to get a nice cobbler to punch another hole in my favourite belt
  5. i need to buy new knickers - they've stopped looking like knickers and have started to resemble baggy nappies (NOT a great look in the changing rooms)
  6. i have stopped eating so many crisps and have stopped my emergency garage chocolate runs.
i'm not going to get all cocky and think i've now changed my eating/lifestyle habits so can now rest on my laurels. i think any and all of you who have ever smoked know that this is a dangerous mind set. the old "yeah i can have the odd fag if i want to malarkey" and then you blink and you're back up to 20 a-day. yeah... 
not gonna fall for that one again! 
just sayin...

i've also signed me and XiuXiu up for the Southampton Race for Life on Sunday 8th July. Anabel's just let me know that XX thinks running is boring so intends to sprint the entire 5k. oh hoorah.

ran non stop 2k in 14.5mins.
will just keep adding a couple of km's to each treadmill run for the next couple of weeks. also Monday 18th will do the 5k with the Sweatshop the running shop in Southampton opposite Laura Ashley's (where dillons used to be). Plus i should map out an 8 maybe 9k route and run that, i'm thinking after work 20th or 21st June...

and now?
i think a cup of tea would be nice and a read of my kindle for a little bit.

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