Monday 16 September 2024

Fabulous massage

Major DOMS today
Everything was sore!!

Massage was fantastic 
Yes, it was painful but as Lizzy said, muscles need deep tissue massage when they've been used!

My upper body is excellent
Lower body - feel muscles in the calves need work and my hamstrings. My quads are very strong so I need to ensure they're not working overtime with my weaker hamstrings. 

Sunday 15 September 2024

Ashtead 10k 83.02

So happy today
Managed to run/ walk 10k
First 5k was non stop
Then walked the turn point, kissed my support crew, ate a Jaffa cake and drank water then decided to head off for the 2nd 5k

I had decided to keep going if my first 5k was in under 40mins
It was

The second 5k was slower
I was tired.
I walked a few of the slight uphills 
By 6.5/7k my left groin and glute were sore but I just took it gently and of course celebrated every km marker

By the finishing straight both calves were starting to spasm 
But I was just so happy to finish 

Lunch at the Days
Supper at the Peacocks
Very tired and sore now and very much looking forward to 10am tomorrow and a Lizzy massage 

Saturday 14 September 2024

Ashtead 10k tomorrow

How am I feeling?
But also some trepidation as furthest I've run is 6k and I haven't really done much training 

I am curious though to see how I do
To see how I feel after run/walk/jogging 10k

My usual 10k time is 73-80mins
I hope I go under 90mins as I don't want to be the cause of holding everyone up at the end

It's an out and back so I'll just see how I feel at the turn point. If I'm under 40mins I'll keep going 🥳

Wednesday 4 September 2024

3 days post sprint tri

I'm still feeling incredibly proud of myself 
I'm also still tired and sore 

Shoulder still sore
Arms are sore especially my right arm - maybe the position on the bike?
Small of back bit sore
Hips both left and right
Side of left hip down the thigh 

And still tired
And eating loads

But absolutely worth it xx

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Recovery day 2

Still tired
Arms are sore
Back sore
Quads sore
Shins sore
Shoulders sore
Glutes sore
I am sore!!!!!!

But this time last year my max play time was 4hours before I needed to go home and rest

Sunday morning I did 2:52 of continual PE
No wonder I'm tired and sore xx

Monday 2 September 2024

Body check after my first triathlon since July 2023

Okay, let's do a quick check of how I'm doing 

I slept well but I could easily sleep another few hours 

Neck abit stiff
Shoulders sore - right more than left 
Right arm bit sore 
Lower back sore 
Core bit sore 
Hips sore - left more than right 
Groin bit sore 
Thighs bit sore 

Got yoga at the new Jubilee sports centre at 1pm this afternoon and swimming at Ellingham with Charlotte and Suzanne this evening. 

I'm def sore from doing an event - 2:45 worth of PE so I would be pretty tired. I think I'm more tired than I would expect if I hadn't had the accident last year 
However I am utterly delighted that I'm physically able now to get sore from 2:45 worth of exercise 🥰

I feel very blessed xx

Sunday 1 September 2024

First triathlon since my accident

Loved it
Niggles left hip on the bike and getting my left trainer on but apart from that everything was brilliant 

Love my tri club
So supportive 

This time last year, 57mins to go 1km and today - completed a sprint triathlon 

Love Southampton tri club xxx