Tuesday 30 January 2024

Day 4 at CLS - still lots of pool based sessions

Again, taking it gently as it is only my 4th full day here but after deep water aqua fit then a 400m swim I went to the gym and did 20mins on the bike. My heart rate got up to 140, I went pink, I sweated and I looked dishevelled when I stopped. I'm so happy!! 

I did though cancel the intermediate open water skills session at 5pm (went to the gym instead) as it felt a little chilly and I decided to wait to do OWS when I can comfortably swim 1km
Currently the furthest I've swim is 700m
But I did have a walk down to the lagoon and watched the session for a few mins before walking the long way round back to the flat 

Now, how am I feeling?
Also the small of my back is a bit sore and my left glute is sore but overall I feel okay. I think currently I'm getting the balance right between wanting to do everything while recognising I can't x

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