Wednesday, 19 June 2019

No deep heat needed tonight / musings on doing an IM

After three straight nights of rolling on the deep heat I think my legs can make it through the night on their own

I reckon the fitter you are the quicker your recovery. I'm feeling good. Didn't do RR10 this eve as too wet - muddy, slippery and raining. I'm too tired and I just know I would have gone flying!!!

Instead I ate chocolate and caught up on NCIS and burnt my boiled eggs. What a numpty.

I've also come to the very clear realisation that I am nowhere near ready to do a full IM yet. I need at least a couple more years of doing 70.3s, plus long bike rides, another marathon or two and get better at the swim.
Ideally... Swim sub 40; bike sub 3:30, run sub 2:15. So quite a ways off but def doable.

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