Thursday, 21 March 2019

Seen physio Liam about knee

After Tuesday's barely managing three mins of running I'm very pleased to have seen Liam this morning.

Nothing to awful.
Left knee is okay...
He reckons I've irritated the cartilage - it'll be fine but will take a little bit longer to sort it out.

I need to strengthen around the knee and have some exercises to do.
No running till Sunday and Eastleigh 10k
Then no running till A's 100th Parkrun on 30/3. 
Then no running until see Liam on 4/4 to see how it is.

Cycling fine
Swimming with front crawl kicking fine
S&C in the gym fine

Feeling very positive but also bit gutted as had next week in my head as a big running week...

It'll just be a big gym week instead xx 

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