Thursday, 25 June 2015

An awesome 48hours in the life of marathonliz

Omg, the best 48hours ever!!!

Tuesday runcamp was super - instead of the track we went up to one of the top cricket pitches. The evening was one of those perfect summers evening and we all got to be out in it - topped off with cake From Kirsty :)

Wednesday started with 20lengths of Hilsea Lido - 16 of them being non stop in 30.01mins

London Wednesday evening mtg cousin Ruth and big sis Debs for wine, food, catch up and alot of laughter and love :) We then walked Debs to Waterloo and I crashed at Cousin Ruth's hotel. This meant that this morning I had the most beautiful walk through Hyde Park. Totally wished I'd packed my swimming costume as the Serpentine looked so inviting.

Then this evening Vik and I had the most beautifully leisurely run, jog, some walking and alot of talking along Western Shore (I did 6.5miles total in 1:28.30 then 10mins when got home on the stationary bike). I think that has got to be one of my favourite running routes. The Solent just looked so fab.

And now I'm tucked up in bed knowing I don't have to get up till gone 7:30am.

Happiness is????


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Sixteen weeks to go

Yesterday my sixteen week Twin Cities marathon plan started with a rest day. I was working till 9:30pm so figured I'd have Mondays as my rest day. Also I had just done the Polesdon Lacey 10k on Sunday 14/6 so probs a good idea to have a rest.

Polesdon Lacey was brilliant fun. I'd forgotten just how horribly relentless the hills are on this 10k :(

Aaah well...
Plus it was quite muggy.
1:16.03 = about 6 mins slower than last year. I am though consciously trying to start slowly so I can finish strong. I finished strong so Hoorah, just got to work on my fitness slow start is actually quicker than my current slow start.

Didn't go to Runcamp as eating Chinese at Pandas instead for A's bday. Yum. Then Lidls as haven't managed to shop for yonks and was down to my last square of toiled paper (eeeek)

So my Twin Cities training plan is off to an astounding slow start! One can but hope that it really does "only get better".

Oh and in case anyone's wondering... It's now:-
20lbs / 4months.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Gently easing into marathonliz part two

Such a lovely weekend in Hove.

Ran 7k in 50mins with Sarah. We chatted non stop as we ran up and down the sea front. With a fab afternoon of looking at flowers with Clare and Elizabeth (attached pic taken from a bench at the Garden House in Brighton while drinking tea and eating chocolate cake).

Sunday when I got home, instead of immediately having a cup of tea I got changed into my running gear then went for a gentle run. 5k 39mins then 15mins on the stationary bike 8.6k

I've still got a week before my training plan starts so feel great that I'm already laying down good foundations around consistency of running. My goal for the Twin Cities is to stick to the training plan  regardless. Until you actually run, running is all mental and I'm extremely adept at convincing myself to reset the alarm clock, roll over and get 30mins more snoozing in :)

My plan for this week...
Runcamp this eve
Hilsea lido before work, RR10 after work
Tri club swimming at Oaklands Thursday
Not sure about Friday
Maybe parkrun Saturday or tri club
Polsdon Lacey 10k Sunday

Then it's 16 weeks to until my second marathon!!!!!!! Wahoooooooo - soooooo excited.