Sunday 10 April 2022

75km. Fabulous Sunday. Practicing my nutrition.

Fabulous day of cycling and snacking with friends 🤗 
Left the flat just after 9am. 
Got back just before 4pm.
75km of cycling. 
About 4 hours of actual moving time. 
About 3 hours of drinking tea, snacking, having lunch, following the Highway Code and hugging friends. 

Pretty bloody brilliant. 
#GettingRideLondonReady 🎉

And incase you were wondering…
I came home with my peanuts, oaty bar and some apple slices. 

I consumed over the 7 hours:
Copious amounts of tea, a bottle of water (with some salt added) a sultana scone, a pork pie, some apple slices, a banana and then for lunch two slices of toast with peanut butter and marmite, some cheese, some Cadbury's fruit and nut chocolate and an orange. 

Just sorting out some RideLondon nutrition options 😂

Although there should be plenty of feed stations on the ride with shed loads of yummy cycling food. 
Which is why I need to make sure I can comfortably average 25km/h so I've got time to enjoy the food stops and still make the cut off xx

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