Sunday, 1 May 2016

What a brilliant week of wine - red and white :)

Okay, maybe not the best week of training for tomorrow's Winchester sprint triathlon but it has been a brilliant week.

Sunday watched and whooped the Southampton half marathon and 10k with Vik. Loved it. Then home to shiver in my arm chair with a temperature of 102 degrees :(

Monday didn't go to tri club.
Tuesday up to Angel to drink red wine as Tom was over from mpls and hadn't seen Matt and Luc for ages. Caravan in Kings cross. Lovely.
Wednesday was a lovely walk in the Royal Parks with Nessie then popped in to see the boys in Pimlico. Impromptu dinner party and shed loads of white wine :)
Thursday - was impressed with my ability to work from 9:30-6:30pm. Needless to say I didn't go for a run or a cycle.
Friday - private view at Red Hot Press, got my bike back from bike guy (yay, I have breaks again) then prosecco at Banana Wharf with work chums.
Saturday - I really wanted to go swimming but I really couldn't get out of bed. Then back up to London for Matt and Tom's suprise bday meal at Frederick's - YUM. And shed loads of red wine and champagne, crawling into bed at 4am.

And now I'm on the train heading back to Southampton feeling knackered and a bit hungover. Hoorah for triathlons at stupid o'clock on a Mayday morning. Tomorrow is going to be brilliant fun. I just hope I fit into my tri suit :)

Needless to say I'm never drinking again and will be hugely focused on my training for the rest of the season.

My ankle is fine. Be interesting to see how it manages tomorrow's race x

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