I nearly didnt go as working but then I realised I could easily finish what I was doing tomorrow and especially if I get into work abit early.
Hoorah! Nipped home, changed amd was at the gym by 6.25pm. So glad I went. A tough but fun hours workout. Lift home from Pam amd then I spent maybe 15mins on the stationary bike. Really pleased I've exercised today.
Didn't manage run gang this morning as early start at work. Didnt manage lordshill road runners session last night either as working which is why I'm even more glad I left work to go boxing this eveing. Tuesday was a full day - first speed amd endurance runcamp at the spirtscentre 6.30-7.30am plus loads of cycling but hardly anything yesterday.
Nothing planned for tomoorw - will take running gear to hove to Elsie's. I may go for a quick run along the promenade!!!