Thursday, 9 January 2014

Boxing this evening

I nearly didnt go as working but then I realised I could easily finish what I was doing tomorrow and especially if I get into work abit early.

Hoorah! Nipped home, changed amd was at the gym by 6.25pm. So glad I went. A tough but fun hours workout. Lift home from Pam amd then I spent maybe 15mins on the stationary bike. Really pleased I've exercised today.

Didn't manage run gang this morning as early start at work. Didnt manage lordshill road runners session last night either as working which is why I'm even more glad I left work to go boxing this eveing. Tuesday was a full day - first speed amd endurance runcamp at the spirtscentre 6.30-7.30am plus loads of cycling but hardly anything yesterday.

Nothing planned for tomoorw - will take running gear to hove to Elsie's. I may go for a quick run along the promenade!!!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Sunday 5th Jan 2014 - 6 weeks today is the Brighton half!

I'd decided that today I needed to run for an hour just to get myself back into running for longer than 30-40mins as the half will take me I reckon about 2.5 hours. Thats a long time to be running!!!!

I was out for 1:00.19 and gently ran 8km - over the itchen bridge, through woolston by the water then western shore to the pitch and putt and back.

Right knee was quite stiff so when I got back to the flat I cycled on the stationary bike for 21mins while reading deathly hallows on the kindle, listening to absolute80s radio. Stretches, shower and now time for breakfast.

Quite hungry as have only had a banana so far today.

12.15pm - I have done my training, I feel fabulous, packers 49ers wildcard game tonight at 9.40pm so I now have just over 9 hours of pottering about. How wonderful. I'm one huge smile :)

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Back to Boxing!

Just back from an hour of boxing down st.mary's gym. Brilliant fun - let's see how much I hurt on Saturday this time.

I'm not sure if you remember or not but last time I was all cocky this don't hurt me one bit cos I'm liz elite athlete carter grrrr. And then two days later on Saturday morning it was as if nelly the elephant and jumped off a high ledge and belly flopped on to me. Ye gods I could barely walk. I was eighty years old. What's that classic saying about pride and fall?!


I've had a hot shower and will aim to be in bed by eleven. Must make sure I get plenty of rest.

But I did love it. Was one huge smile at the end. Great great fun.

2014 - let's hope it's a good one with plenty of cheer.

So far so good...

Parkrun new years day in torrential rain. Ran with Vik who was doing her first ever parkrun so we ran together. A blustery but fun 5k in 37:27

Then this morning met up with the run gang gang of Stuart, Tamsyn and Katherine and we ran jogged gossiped (tamsyn and I) our way round the common for approx 30mins. Great fun and just good to get in a morning workout.

I'm planning on going to boxing this eve. I may have finally started my winter training!