Monday, 16 July 2012

Seriously considering the 26th August Triathlon...

Tri club was great - Coach Peter said that "people" have noticed that I'm improving loads.
I did 12 lengths = 300m in 14minutes. Which for me is amazing. It has made me think i could do the triathlon on 26th August...
  • 400m swim
  • 11.5mile cycle
  • 5k run
I'll decide this w/e but heck, I should just give it a go. 
I've got 6 weeks to get be able to do a 400m swim in less than 16minutes. And... seeing as 5weeks ago i couldn't even manage 50m without dying, I reckon I could do it!!!

Great weekend & saw the Olympic Torch

Tri club Saturday morning - my new swimming cap really did help. I must have done over 40 lengths - i think i need to time myself doing 16 lengths just to see if :-
  1. i can physically do it yet
  2. if i can my ball park time so i know what to write on entry forms
The rest of the day was spent reading my kindle, shopping and partying - my balcony Olympic torch viewing party then up to Rob & Neil's for chilli, wine, quiz & gossip. a great Saturday.

Sunday - very gentle morning. Afternoon of sorting, washing and reading. 
The weather was lovely - and the evening... it really was a lovely summers evening. Couldn't waste it so got into my running gear... 55minutes, 4.8miles - fab.

Thursday, 12 July 2012



  • lost 0.5lbs this week
  • cycled 10.8miles today
  • yesterday cycled about 12.5miles

the weather isn't helping - just feel lethargic

OF&H - will keep a daily log of all exercise and see if I'm doing too much, not eating enough, maybe look at getting some multivitamins...

Next race is the Ashtead 10k on Sunday 23rd Sept - need to get back into running, continue with swimming and keep cycling.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sunday 8th July - 5k Southampton Race for Life

What a fantastically busy weekend of exercise and fun. 

  1. I actually can't remember what i did apart from work till 6pm. i think i may have had a gentle evening in but i really can't remember.
  1. Tri Club at the Quays - swimming session 5 - what a huge difference since my 1st session just under 3weeks ago - i can now do nearly 3 lengths - 75m without stopping. plus Katherine and i both got Southampton Tri Club swimming hats. very excited.
  2. Pot of tea at Tudor House Museum.
  3. Mela cancelled
  4. Had XX for the afternoon
  5. Angel Share at Harbour Lights.
  1. Race for Life with XX - brilliant fun. 53 minutes. we did walk quite a bit!
  2. Lunch at A's
  3. Cycled home via Red Hot Press for their annual Wayzgoose festival what on earth is a Wayzgoose??? 
  4. Hamble for supper
  5. Now just chilling at home.
Run/Walked = 5k race for life
Swimming = approx 30 lengths = 750m
Cycling = Saturday mabes 6miles & Sunday = 18.5miles
