Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Fabulous massage

OMG - Ashtead sports and remedial massage with Lizzy - amazing.

45 mins HB session on the stationary bike while chatting to Suzanne 

An hour massage - loved it 

My left side is tighter than my right
Lizzy spent a lot of time trying to loosen up the top and bottom of my IT band
Both glutes are good
Managed to damage my rotator cuff 
But overall I'm in good condition 

Little 17min cycle
Lunch with mum at the Centre
Traffic on M3 seemed pretty stationary so waited an hour before heading home

Supper with the Ali's
Home, unpacked
Couple of episodes of NCIS

Right groin is sore which is tedious 
In fact the right side was sore after an hour in the car on the drive home. 

I did read that the muscles around a fractured / broken pelvis can take a year to settle. Lizzy agreed - said it would take awhile. 

So basically I've got to remain patient 
But it is nerve wracking because I still can't trust my body not to hurt if I do more. Hopefully the strength and mobility with Marie will help 🤗

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Accident timeline part 5 = 2024 & my active recovery as of 28/5/24

Both crutches are now in the cupboard and i'm now working my full shift of 8am-8pm four days on four days off

And then it snowed on the 8/1 and it took me so long to walk to the Uber from the Avenue Campus Student Hub i was charged an additional 4 minutes wait time! I was so scared 
And then although i did the 4 days 8-8pm and Jules came to visit 12/1 and we went to see the shoe exhibit in Winchester i was feeling very tired.
I was then in bed from 3pm on the 13/1 - 18/1
I'm obviously nowhere near 100% and just because i'm not using crutches and i'm back at work full time i've still got a ways to go.

I remember thinking that was quite a wake up call to make sure i still took everything very gently  

Still not cycling outside as dark, cold and wet - too scared.
But i remember feeling so excited about Club La Santa and being able to access all their sporty equipment and classes
I wouldn't be running or cycling or doing any of the high impact classes but i would be in the pool every day, on the stationary bike most days, eating very well, walking a lot and stretching a lot.

That holiday 26/1 - 9/2/24 really set me on the path to my active recovery and believing i could be a lot more active than i currently was. I remember the specialist physio in early December saying i was healed, but it took my holiday at CLS for my mind and my body to finally believe that my pelvis had finally healed and i could do more.

10/2/24 - 1st Southampton tri club swim session since my accident! i didn't do all the sets, and managed 45mins before calling it a day. But wow, i felt so pleased with myself. 

Lovely mini break to Derbyshire to watch the superbowl then Birmingham to be a tourist with my niece
We didn't walk as much as i couldn't manage any long climbs or uneven surfaces but we still managed walks of nearly 3kms

I'm now walking every day
i can do an hour on the stationary bike
i can swim at least 1.2km in the pool

But i'm still not doing anything too high impact, i'm not cycling outside and i'm still struggling domestically with housework - cooking and cleaning. Everything is taking so much longer than it used to pre accident. Jenny is still doing my gardening and i'm too scared to stand on a step ladder so unable to sort out my curtains, clean my windows or manage a big shop if i'm not in a friends car

My groin is still sore 
My left glute and side of leg is sore
The small of my back is sore especially when at work as sitting a lot so i'm very aware of making sure i move at least every hour 

Then finally I had my 1st physio appointment paid via drivers insurance - 14/3/24 and then on the 15/3 i cycled outside for the first time in 7 months.

I also started my 8 online counselling sessions. 
I'm rather stuck reliving my accident seemingly every day. 
It's still very vivid

Plus started getting at least monthly sports massages - both Miche and Lizzy can feel that my left side - glute, hip, thigh is much tighter than my right, but both are very pleased with how strong i do feel which is great news and bodes well for the future

Mum managed to break her hip 3/3 - i'd been away that weekend up in London. Back in the Dame Alice Owen pub for Claire's 60th birthday party. This time i was dancing with no sticks but in max 10-15minute blocks and then have a rest. 
My last dance was about 5minutes before i was just too tired / sore to continue. Great fun though.

Everything was feeling as if i was moving in the right direction. Nothing was quick but it all felt steady.

Physio was useful - when we finished 11/4 she reckoned i was at 90% healed. That i can now do anything i want to, i just need to ease into it and build up slowly. Sports massages would be useful, explore a personal trainer and my events 1/9 - Challenging Events sprint tri and 15/9 Ashtead 10k are both absolutely fine as i have the summer to train

19/3/24 i got the results for my yearly type2 diabetes blood test.
Since being diagnosed December 2019 when my blood sugars were 64 (normal is under 42, pre diabetic 42-47, diabetic if 48 or above), my blood sugars had hovered around the 46-48 mark. GP not worried.
I got a call from Lindsey the diabetic nurse at my surgery - my bloods were 84
When i asked her if this spike was due to inactivity and chocolate - she said no. This was due to a catastrophic incident that the body has had to deal with. My accident. 

Talk about a body blow.
The accident that just keeps on giving
Immediately on a new drug - Gliclazide with a blood sugar monitor and instructions not to drive . In fact i didn't drive until the 5th May

Plus i was now keeping an active eye on how i was feeling as noticing that whenever i was doing anything above slightly normal i was sore.
4/5 - 1st parkrun since my accident 5k run/walk in 44mins - sore left leg. Driving after 30mins - small of back is sore. Stationary bike after 40mins sore left glute. Sat watching TV both sides of glute sore plus goin a bit sore. Parkrun on the 11/5 - 41minutes this time but left side was sore. I did my 1st 10k bike ride outside 12/5 - felt fine at the time but then the small of my back was sore with left side / glute also sore. 
I'm noticing that the small of my back is always sore after 30mins of driving / sitting at work after about 40mins. My groin is sore when i'm active and my left leg can get sore 

When i finished physio i said my pain level was a 1 maybe 2 - just a constant niggle which my physio reckoned was because i was now getting so much more active so this would be muscle soreness. 
It's now 6 weeks since my last physio and i've still got a constant niggle pain of 1-2 which i certainty never experienced pre accident. Hopefully this will go but it's now been over 10months since my accident and i'm nowhere near back to my pre accident level of fitness!!

I do though have to remember that on the afternoon of the 16/7/23 i could manage just 7 steps with a walker before having to get back into bed and my pain level was at least a 7 
I'm now doing parkrun, can walk for over an hour without needing a rest, can easily cycle over 10km outside and is back in the pool.  

But i also have to remember that on the morning of the 15/7/23 i was 2 weeks away from swimming 3.8km, cycling 180km and then running a marathon all within the 17 hour cutoff. 


Accident timeline part 4 = 18/12/23 - 7/1/24 and both sticks now in the cupboard

With my accident medical on the 8/6/24 i'm going back over these last 10months so i feel prepared for my appointment
It's been quite a journey where i've been utterly overwhelmed with the love and support of my friends, family, club mates, strangers as i try and get back the fitness i had when i was knocked off my bike 2 weeks before the Outlaw full Ironman 

We're now up to the week before Christmas
I'm back at work - nearly back to 8am-8pm four days on four days off. I now just need one crutch but i'm also doing little chunks of no stick walking. I'm using my stationary bike, i can walk walk at least 2.5km without needing a stop and sit down, i'm also swimming a bit but not yet back swimming with Southampton tri club.

Still in some pain and taking some pain meds but certainly feeling moments of progress and knowing i'm coming through the other side.

18/12 - Heading back from Hove
19/12 - A quiet day then supper round K&S's
20/12 - Met Ali at the Bargate and then had a swim at the University
21/12 - Too tired for Winter Solstice party 
22/12 - 9-8pm at work - nearly back to my full shift
23/12 - again managed to get to work for 9am then left early as heading up to Ashtead for Xmas
24/12 - WFH so started at 8am. Carols at St George's 6pm, noticed right hip hurting on the 1km walk home

25/12 - WFH but quiet. Over to sister's by 2pm but finished by 11:30pm. Wonderful day but so tired by the end.
26/12 - A gentle day of left overs and seeing friends
27/12 - Another gentle day, walk on Epsom Downs. Decided not to go back to Southampton before New Year trip as decided that would be too tiring
28/12 - Another quiet day then evening of seeing old friends
29/12 - Up to London, lunch at Nessie's - decided a 5hour coach trip to York would be too much so bought train tickets. Over to Matt & Lucs as BnR over from USA and Leo over for supper 
30/12 - Quiet morning, little walk then train to York to stay with Cousin Ruth, Kevin and the girls - so glad i wasn't on a coach
31/12 - Last day of 2023 - gentle walk, food and a kitchen disco

What a year!!!
I do have very high hopes for 2024
One key issue is still my diet and sleep problems. Accident related which will take some more time to rectify.
Also noticed that i'm taking hardly any pain meds now which is huge progress, plus although i have the crutch i'm not needing it as much i still think i do. For instance i'm now only using it when i go outside as now feel safe inside without the crutch. 

1/1/24 - a very gentle start to a day of family as brother Dave, Kate and the girls came over to York for the day 
2/1 - Back south with impromptu overnight in Ashtead due to awful weather closing various lines
3/1 - Back to Southampton - very tired
4/1 - Pure Physio initial assessment
5/1 - Party at mine
6/1 - Quiet day
7/1 - Managed to get to work for 8am with no stick

This does feel like a milestone
I'm hardly taking any pain meds - maybe paracetamol but hardly anything stronger
I don't need my crutches or any of the additional adaptations i had when i left the rehab unit

I'm feeling very positive for 2024
Also i've got my holiday at Club La Santa, Lanzarote in just over 3 weeks. Two weeks of sun and active recovery 

Accident timeline part 3 = 16/10/23 - 17/12/23

Okay, so i'm now back at work on a phased return
It's 3 months since my accident
I'm back on my stationary bike for 20mins at a time, i'm practicing using just one crutch and the drivers insurance company has asked for my medical records

16/10 Out with Jan to Romsey Cook and Poppies cafe
17/10 Phone apt with community physio - now signed off but did ask about hydrotherapy 
18/10 - Seemed to have spent the day feeling sad
19/10 - 11-4pm working then nothing
20/10 - 11-4pm 
21/10 - Supported parkrun then up to London for 2 crutch dancing at the Dame Alice Owen pub in Angel
22/10 - At Nessie's - TV and scrabble

23/10 - Little walk in Islington then Pimlico to see Pete & Nick
24/10 - Afternoon tea in John Lewis with Anabel
25/10 - Covid vaccination
26/10 - Anabel's for tea then off to the track
27/10 - 1st Hydrotherapy at SGH and told i don't need both crutches anymore 
28/10 - Out for Karyn's bday meal
29/10 - Walk and lunch in the New Forest (managed 1.6km before needed a rest), cup of tea round Oli & Tina's with Jenny, curry round K&S's

30/10 - Work
31/10 - Civic art gallery and lunch at Thrive with Lisa
1/11 - Day trip to Ashtead
2/11 - Lunch Katherine
3/11 - Rose's for tea
4/11 - Work - shattered
5/11 - A/L lunch for XX's bday then home, not feeling great

6/11 - Work - in pain, tired and feeling fat
7/11 - Driver's insurance accepted full liability, reminded me of the accident, not a good day
8/11 - Hydrotherapy then up to London to see SIX. Couldn't run for the train so just missed it.
9/11 - 1st swim since accident with Katherine and Pam & 3D rehab appointed to sort out my physio (spoiler - my physio initial apt wasn't until 4th Jan 24 and then physio started 9 Jan 24)
10/11 - Morning with Sue - Gods House Tower, Starbucks
11/11 - Saints Vs West Brom at St Mary's with Ali
12/11 - Ian & Barbara's for roast after work

13/11 - Doing 11-5pm now at work
14/11 - Last Hydrotherapy session and starting to do small chunks of no stick walking (tiring)
15/11 - Trying 10:30-5pm then Overdraft with Caro. This was the 1st time i'd worked 4 days on the trot.
16/11 - Tired
17/11 - Xmas fair with Jenny - no pain meds taken, really noticed it. Then late lunch cowherds
18/11 - Jenny collected table from my shed (spoiler - i thought i'd locked it - i hadn't) Lyndhurst for lunch with Charlotte - nearly grabbed the steering wheel when thought a car was about to join the road - i've still got PTSD from the accident
19/11 - IKEA with Vik

20/11 - 11-6pm at work
21/11 - 11-6pm - so tired
22/11 - 11-5:45 - so tired felt sick
23/11 - 9:45-5pm - then Padho Indian restaurant
24/11 - Cheese and wine at K&S's - concerned about pain meds
25/11 - Had a swim, STC Christmas meal
26/11 - Dentist - and took last pain med

27/11 - Tired - GP consultation & i have pain meds
28/11 - Away day at work then Anabel's for tea
29/11 - 10:30-6:30 now at work
30/11 - Hospital apt so no work

Still in pain, but starting to do more which is great
But also thinking more about the accident, how its effected my life and feeling sad, fat, slow and frustrated.

1/12 - Specialist physio apt at Moorgreen hospital then Suzanne's for lunch
2/12 - Up to London for Electric Landladies with Nessie and Linda
3/12 - Too tired to do anything so early train back to Southampton

4/12 - Nothing - so tired
5/12 - Adelaide health centre and physio gym session. Also noticed my shed door is open. My Boardman bike has gone, Parkrun gang quiz
6/12 - Diabetic eye screening
7/12 - Now doing 9:45-7:15pm at work
8/12 - 9:45-7:15pm - so tired
9/12 - Leaving early for Philharmonic choir at Guildhall
10/12 - Folk choir at Peartree church 3pm with Karyn & B

11/12 - So tired
12/12 - Adelaide centre for physio gym session, Winchester to see Linda & Louise
13/12 - Day trip to Winchester with Sue, Jenny & Suzanne then Muppet Christmas movie
14/12 - Now working 9-7pm
15/12 - Work Xmas party
16/12 - Party at Suzanne & Richard's
17/12 - Hove Xmas party and overnight at Clare's

Why was i so calm about my bike being taken?
Because i knew i wasn't quite right, that my mind is still fuzzy, i'm not thinking straight and it's not my fault i'm forgetting stuff. It's all part of my recovery, it's still barely 5 months since the accident and i need to give myself a break

Also, i'm still in pain, i'm not sleeping very well, my appetite is all over the place and i'm not doing very well with keeping on top of my domestic life.  But i am swimming, i am on my stationary bike and i am getting more and more mobile. 

Monday, 27 May 2024

Accident timeline part 2 = 1/9/23 - 15/10/23 finally back to work! (11/10)

Just trying to get an idea as to timeline for my accident medical appointment on the 8/6

We're now into September - coming up to 7 weeks since the accident
Still off work but a date of Wednesday 11th September for day1 of my phased return is in the diary

I'm now getting out of the flat every day
1/9 - Marotimo lounge with Karyn and Sharon
2/9 - supporting runners / walkers at Southampton parkrun
3/9 - Josie's Romsey and brunch with Charlotte

4/9 - Morning cuppa at the Hawthornes with Sue M then Picolos with Amy and Anabel for tea
5/9 - takeaway at K&S's
6/9 - walked to Quays - 24mins plus some rest breaks
7/9 - popped into work - went by bus! to say hi then up to the golf course for a drink and back to Sarah's for chips
8/9 - Bargate for a cuppa with Jenny 
9/9 - supporting parkrun then Katherine's bday party
10/9 - in all day as quite tired

11/9 - tried walking without crutches - managed a few steps and decided on Solicitor
12/9 - Hilliers garden centre for lunch with Sue, Jenny & Suzanne
13/9 - Bowling for Jenny A's bday
14/9 - Walked to West Quay shopping centre, no seats, utterly exhausted. Was out and about for 2:25 and covered 4km
15/9 - Community physio - trying one crutch walking
16/9 - Pub lunch with Sue, Jenny & Suzanne then walk on Weston Shore with A, Vik, K&S
17/9 - cancelled helping to marshal the reschedules STC TT. Managed to step into the shower - didn't use the bath bench. Visited work and got a lift home.

18/9 - one crutch walking practice, CCTV of accident has been located
19/9 - MAST to watch films on the sea with K&S
20/9 - Lunch ay Jenny's
21/9 - walked to the Quays, visited Sue M then Anabel
22/9 - lunch with Katherine
22/9 - 24/9 - weekend away for Jenny A's 50th

25/9 - finally slept on my left side, visited Anabel - bus home
26/9 - Mettricks and Taco bell with Lisa
27/9 - 1st time shopping in the big Sainsbury's in Portswood - shattered,
28/9 - tired all day
29/9 - community physio - walking outside with one crutch, she wasn't surprised that i was so tired yesterday
30/9 - Quays to meet tri club after their swim session, K&S's for tea - took bus there and back. Tired.
1/10 - Off to Ashtead on the train - the step down from the train carriage to the station utterly terrifying

2/10 - Drinks and meal in London near Waterloo then home
3/10 - lunch at Lisa's
4/10 - 1st time on the stationary bike & managed 20mins!! plus walked to the Quays using just one crutch. What a day.
5/10 - went to watch the track session with Tri Club
6/10 - met Katherine for lunch
7/10 - Shirley dog show then met niece Emily for her overnight stay
8/10 - Managed to sleep on both sides!! UoS open day with Emily

9/10 - off to Cook in Romsey with Sue
10/10 - lunch with Kaitlyn then getting ready for work

11/10 - 1st day back at work 10-4pm. Way too long but lovely to be back. 
12/10 - shattered after work (10-4pm)
13/10 - Occ Health meeting, will try starting work at 11am now, flu jab
14/10 - No doing The Swimmer with Anna in London, finally got to see Alison's new place in Canada Common
15/10 - No running the Great South Run but did go and cheer at mile 2, roast dinner at Debbie L's

Still needing my pain meds
Finding it hard to sleep
Very tired
Finally back at work - phased return, hoping to be back 8am-8pm by Christmas / start of 2024
Loved being back on the stationary bike, even if only for 20mins 

Accident timeline part 1 = 15/7 - 31/8/24

I've got my accident medical on the 8/6/24 so thought i'd have a think about my accident timeline

15/7/23 left work 8pm, 8:30pm ish car pulls out of the left side road by the lights on commercial road just as i was cycling past
Ambulance called, off to A&E. Honestly thought i was just badly bruised and felt like i'd done the splits.
Fractured pelvis in 3 places.
Admitted to a ward 5am on the 16/7 and managed 7 steps using a walker so didn't need surgery
17/7 F5 pink bay (no leaving work early to go swimming at Ellingham)
18/7 physio Gemma & trying to get out of a flat bed - was sick from pain (no going round to K&S's after work)
19/7 moved to RHS rehab unit (no RR10 #8 at Wide Lane)
20/7 - 1st shower since accident (no cycling to Winchester to see the WSA graduation at the Cathedral)
21/7 - No visiting Alison's new home with Vik
22/7 - No STC swimming but did manage expelling 7 days worth of xx in 45mins!! oh the relief xx

24/7 - went from a walker to crutches, also police came to take my statement
25/7 - moved to new room
26/7 - am now allowed to be on my own on my crutches if want to get out of bed / leave my chair. Did stairs (4 steps)  in the gym 
27/7 - breakfast club, balance exercises and the OT visited my flat
28/7 - we (me, Suzanne, Sue and Jenny) are not off to Nottingham
29/7 - got into a wheelchair and went downstairs to the atrium and was visited by A, Vik, Shaz, Pam, Karyn
30/7 - i'm not doing the Outlaw full ironman - instead spent the day following it on my phone

31/7 - i'm not travelling back from Nottingham about to enjoy 8 days annual leave
1/8 - Debs, Katie and Emily visited, back to the atrium in a wheelchair 
2/8 - not doing RR10 #9 at Badgers Farm, last night in hospital = 19 days!
3/8 - HOME - took about 4 hours to unpack my 8 bags! 
6/8 -  first shower on my own. Amy & B who are both OTs helped me to go down then back up my stairs as i'm in a 1st floor flat. Jenny did my garden

11/8 - grab rail for the shower installed - not yet needed
12-15th August - not off to The Gower camping for Karyn's birthday

14/8 - first time i left my flat - managed a slice of pizza in East Street
16/8 - morning trip to Calshott to watch Rachel and Lynda OWS
17/8 - managed to walk to spec savers with Sue. Utterly shattered.
18/8 - Make N Brew with the Ali's
19/8 - cheered at Southampton parkrun with Vik while sat on a camping chair
20/8 - no day trip to Bristol to see Kazzie but did do an overnight at Suzanne and Richards

21-23/8 no trip to Devon with Nessie to see Phil
24/8 first outing on my own - took 57mins to walk to the Quays for my breast screening

28/8-31/8 no trip up to York and Lancashire to see family
30/8 1st community physio session

Friends visiting every day
So hard to sleep as in pain, hard to get comfortable
Waves of sadness about accident and physically still in so much pain
But also so happy to be back in my flat

Mobility and Strength training

Decided I'm not quite ready to properly train as still not 100% sure what my body is capable of or if it's strong enough yet 

So I'm with Marie 

And loving it
So far so good but it is still early days as only started last week 

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Arrived in Ashtead for my next 4 day mini break

Start of my next 4 days mini break in Surrey while mum recovers from her broken hip

I'm also 4 weeks away from my medical review with solicitors medical expert so I need to start properly noticing how I'm doing.


Last Saturday did Banstead parkrun and then walked with claire and Cali dog - loved it!! But wow was I tired on Sunday, like utterly wiped out. 

Drove back to Southampton
Noticed small of back sore and left side 

Drove back to Ashtead this evening and again small of back sore but this time right side bit sore but left side is now a full ache, right side can feel nothing. 

I told the physio that I had a constant dull 1-2 pain on my left side which we put down to finally getting more active but the dull ache is starting to get quite tedious 

Currently left buttock sore, groin area sore 

Feeling epic with my cycling though.
Managed to cycle all the way up church lane without stopping twice this week!!! This is a huge deal and I am utterly delighted. 

Can def feel soreness in left side when at work 
I try and make sure I stand a lot and try and do some exercises 

I think I need to loosen my hips more and of course more strength work.