Saturday 28 May 2022

Ride London is tomorrow!

One sleep to go 

This time tomorrow I'll be drinking wine in my sister's garden hopefully basking in the glory of my first 100mile Nike ride while wearing my medal like a necklace.

My bike is RideLondonReady
All stickers attached / number belt sorted.
Water bottles full
Helmet, cap, buff, gloves all with the bike

Haven't quite decided what to wear yet, will make a final decision tomorrow morning when I check the weather forcast. 

Big sis Debs dropping us at Wimbledon for 6:40am so plenty of time to get to the ride village and get ready for the start which will be around 8:30am

Tonight I have had an amazing mound of bbq meat thanks to brother in law Mark but there were some chips so some carb loading has happened 😂

Basically, that's it.
Nothing else to do except try to be in bed by 10pm and tomorrow morning make my peanut butter and marmite sandwiches, grab a couple of pork pies, some energy bars, a couple of bananas and slice up an apple. 

So excited
So nervous.

#124278 is signing off
Time for a cup of tea and some chocolate orange xx

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