Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Eeeeeeeeeeek - feeling well chunky :(


I've said this a few times but when training for a marathon you can get away with inhaling a luxury chocolatie chocolate fudge cake. However, inhaling the same cake when not training for a marathon, you end up getting away with nothing.
I'm back up to my 2012 pre fat club weight of thirteen and a half stone and most of my wardrobe now seems to hold only outfits for children. All very unsatisfactory.

I'm throwing down the gauntlet. By the weekend and a visit from Coach Bernie - (Villa must be playing The Saints)  who helped me through the GSR back in Oct 2012, Lizzie Athlete Carter will not only have a training plan for what to do at the gym but also as clear plan on how to discard the flab.

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