Wednesday 29 May 2024

Fabulous massage

OMG - Ashtead sports and remedial massage with Lizzy - amazing.

45 mins HB session on the stationary bike while chatting to Suzanne 

An hour massage - loved it 

My left side is tighter than my right
Lizzy spent a lot of time trying to loosen up the top and bottom of my IT band
Both glutes are good
Managed to damage my rotator cuff 
But overall I'm in good condition 

Little 17min cycle
Lunch with mum at the Centre
Traffic on M3 seemed pretty stationary so waited an hour before heading home

Supper with the Ali's
Home, unpacked
Couple of episodes of NCIS

Right groin is sore which is tedious 
In fact the right side was sore after an hour in the car on the drive home. 

I did read that the muscles around a fractured / broken pelvis can take a year to settle. Lizzy agreed - said it would take awhile. 

So basically I've got to remain patient 
But it is nerve wracking because I still can't trust my body not to hurt if I do more. Hopefully the strength and mobility with Marie will help šŸ¤—

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