Saturday 15 June 2024

Thinking about the accident medical assessment

I had my medical examination on Saturday 8th June 

It left me with a mixture of very positive feelings as the dr absolutely thinks I'm progressing well, that I'm doing all that I can to get back to where I was pre accident. However I'm also now feeling incredibly sad and frustrated with the situation that I'm in. 

He reckons I'll be back to being able to get back to my pre accident fitness in another year. That my recovery from the accident will be 2 years, and that next year I'll be ready to train for the outlaw for 2026. He was very supportive but also pretty sceptical about my ability to do the full outlaw ironman next year 

He also said as he's an orthopaedic surgeon and not a diabetes specialist he's unable to confirm any links between my accident and my huge diabetes relapse (pancreas looked okay on the CT scan) and is going to suggest I see a specialist about this.  

Also on Friday (7/6) when I got off my bike to walk into work my left foot - sudden excruciating pain. I told the dr the next day that it had just come on and there wasn't any foot injury from my accident. However, I'm now wondering if there is an indirect cause and effect from my accident. Have I subtly changed my gait post accident which has caused tiny stress on my foot which has now caused this pain? I'm going to see a podiatrist to explore, plus it'll be good for my feet to get checked out as I am more at risk of developing foot neuropathy especially with my recent diabetic spike.

Overall I'm feeling very positive about how my recovery is going. Monthly massages, started strength and mobility with a personal trainer, done at least two bike rides of over 10k and have done two parkruns and got back into the pool and managed 700m before getting out as tired. 

And yet… no cardio fitness classes or actual working out in the gym. I can walk for an hour or so but then I need to sit down, driving after 30-45mins / sitting at work after 40/45mins the small of back is sore and I still have that underlying niggle soreness in my groin, left glute and / or small of back of a pain level of 1 maybe 2 that comes and goes, that i'm unable to shake off yet.

But it's the 'it'll be another 2 years till I'm anywhere near to where I was when I was knocked off my bike' that I'm most sad about.  

The drivers lack of concentration is going to cause me 3 years of my life to get back to my pre accident fitness of being 2 weeks away from an Ironman.

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