Monday 27 May 2024

Accident timeline part 2 = 1/9/23 - 15/10/23 finally back to work! (11/10)

Just trying to get an idea as to timeline for my accident medical appointment on the 8/6

We're now into September - coming up to 7 weeks since the accident
Still off work but a date of Wednesday 11th September for day1 of my phased return is in the diary

I'm now getting out of the flat every day
1/9 - Marotimo lounge with Karyn and Sharon
2/9 - supporting runners / walkers at Southampton parkrun
3/9 - Josie's Romsey and brunch with Charlotte

4/9 - Morning cuppa at the Hawthornes with Sue M then Picolos with Amy and Anabel for tea
5/9 - takeaway at K&S's
6/9 - walked to Quays - 24mins plus some rest breaks
7/9 - popped into work - went by bus! to say hi then up to the golf course for a drink and back to Sarah's for chips
8/9 - Bargate for a cuppa with Jenny 
9/9 - supporting parkrun then Katherine's bday party
10/9 - in all day as quite tired

11/9 - tried walking without crutches - managed a few steps and decided on Solicitor
12/9 - Hilliers garden centre for lunch with Sue, Jenny & Suzanne
13/9 - Bowling for Jenny A's bday
14/9 - Walked to West Quay shopping centre, no seats, utterly exhausted. Was out and about for 2:25 and covered 4km
15/9 - Community physio - trying one crutch walking
16/9 - Pub lunch with Sue, Jenny & Suzanne then walk on Weston Shore with A, Vik, K&S
17/9 - cancelled helping to marshal the reschedules STC TT. Managed to step into the shower - didn't use the bath bench. Visited work and got a lift home.

18/9 - one crutch walking practice, CCTV of accident has been located
19/9 - MAST to watch films on the sea with K&S
20/9 - Lunch ay Jenny's
21/9 - walked to the Quays, visited Sue M then Anabel
22/9 - lunch with Katherine
22/9 - 24/9 - weekend away for Jenny A's 50th

25/9 - finally slept on my left side, visited Anabel - bus home
26/9 - Mettricks and Taco bell with Lisa
27/9 - 1st time shopping in the big Sainsbury's in Portswood - shattered,
28/9 - tired all day
29/9 - community physio - walking outside with one crutch, she wasn't surprised that i was so tired yesterday
30/9 - Quays to meet tri club after their swim session, K&S's for tea - took bus there and back. Tired.
1/10 - Off to Ashtead on the train - the step down from the train carriage to the station utterly terrifying

2/10 - Drinks and meal in London near Waterloo then home
3/10 - lunch at Lisa's
4/10 - 1st time on the stationary bike & managed 20mins!! plus walked to the Quays using just one crutch. What a day.
5/10 - went to watch the track session with Tri Club
6/10 - met Katherine for lunch
7/10 - Shirley dog show then met niece Emily for her overnight stay
8/10 - Managed to sleep on both sides!! UoS open day with Emily

9/10 - off to Cook in Romsey with Sue
10/10 - lunch with Kaitlyn then getting ready for work

11/10 - 1st day back at work 10-4pm. Way too long but lovely to be back. 
12/10 - shattered after work (10-4pm)
13/10 - Occ Health meeting, will try starting work at 11am now, flu jab
14/10 - No doing The Swimmer with Anna in London, finally got to see Alison's new place in Canada Common
15/10 - No running the Great South Run but did go and cheer at mile 2, roast dinner at Debbie L's

Still needing my pain meds
Finding it hard to sleep
Very tired
Finally back at work - phased return, hoping to be back 8am-8pm by Christmas / start of 2024
Loved being back on the stationary bike, even if only for 20mins 

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