Tuesday 28 May 2024

Accident timeline part 4 = 18/12/23 - 7/1/24 and both sticks now in the cupboard

With my accident medical on the 8/6/24 i'm going back over these last 10months so i feel prepared for my appointment
It's been quite a journey where i've been utterly overwhelmed with the love and support of my friends, family, club mates, strangers as i try and get back the fitness i had when i was knocked off my bike 2 weeks before the Outlaw full Ironman 

We're now up to the week before Christmas
I'm back at work - nearly back to 8am-8pm four days on four days off. I now just need one crutch but i'm also doing little chunks of no stick walking. I'm using my stationary bike, i can walk walk at least 2.5km without needing a stop and sit down, i'm also swimming a bit but not yet back swimming with Southampton tri club.

Still in some pain and taking some pain meds but certainly feeling moments of progress and knowing i'm coming through the other side.

18/12 - Heading back from Hove
19/12 - A quiet day then supper round K&S's
20/12 - Met Ali at the Bargate and then had a swim at the University
21/12 - Too tired for Winter Solstice party 
22/12 - 9-8pm at work - nearly back to my full shift
23/12 - again managed to get to work for 9am then left early as heading up to Ashtead for Xmas
24/12 - WFH so started at 8am. Carols at St George's 6pm, noticed right hip hurting on the 1km walk home

25/12 - WFH but quiet. Over to sister's by 2pm but finished by 11:30pm. Wonderful day but so tired by the end.
26/12 - A gentle day of left overs and seeing friends
27/12 - Another gentle day, walk on Epsom Downs. Decided not to go back to Southampton before New Year trip as decided that would be too tiring
28/12 - Another quiet day then evening of seeing old friends
29/12 - Up to London, lunch at Nessie's - decided a 5hour coach trip to York would be too much so bought train tickets. Over to Matt & Lucs as BnR over from USA and Leo over for supper 
30/12 - Quiet morning, little walk then train to York to stay with Cousin Ruth, Kevin and the girls - so glad i wasn't on a coach
31/12 - Last day of 2023 - gentle walk, food and a kitchen disco

What a year!!!
I do have very high hopes for 2024
One key issue is still my diet and sleep problems. Accident related which will take some more time to rectify.
Also noticed that i'm taking hardly any pain meds now which is huge progress, plus although i have the crutch i'm not needing it as much i still think i do. For instance i'm now only using it when i go outside as now feel safe inside without the crutch. 

1/1/24 - a very gentle start to a day of family as brother Dave, Kate and the girls came over to York for the day 
2/1 - Back south with impromptu overnight in Ashtead due to awful weather closing various lines
3/1 - Back to Southampton - very tired
4/1 - Pure Physio initial assessment
5/1 - Party at mine
6/1 - Quiet day
7/1 - Managed to get to work for 8am with no stick

This does feel like a milestone
I'm hardly taking any pain meds - maybe paracetamol but hardly anything stronger
I don't need my crutches or any of the additional adaptations i had when i left the rehab unit

I'm feeling very positive for 2024
Also i've got my holiday at Club La Santa, Lanzarote in just over 3 weeks. Two weeks of sun and active recovery 

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