Tuesday 28 May 2024

Accident timeline part 5 = 2024 & my active recovery as of 28/5/24

Both crutches are now in the cupboard and i'm now working my full shift of 8am-8pm four days on four days off

And then it snowed on the 8/1 and it took me so long to walk to the Uber from the Avenue Campus Student Hub i was charged an additional 4 minutes wait time! I was so scared 
And then although i did the 4 days 8-8pm and Jules came to visit 12/1 and we went to see the shoe exhibit in Winchester i was feeling very tired.
I was then in bed from 3pm on the 13/1 - 18/1
I'm obviously nowhere near 100% and just because i'm not using crutches and i'm back at work full time i've still got a ways to go.

I remember thinking that was quite a wake up call to make sure i still took everything very gently  

Still not cycling outside as dark, cold and wet - too scared.
But i remember feeling so excited about Club La Santa and being able to access all their sporty equipment and classes
I wouldn't be running or cycling or doing any of the high impact classes but i would be in the pool every day, on the stationary bike most days, eating very well, walking a lot and stretching a lot.

That holiday 26/1 - 9/2/24 really set me on the path to my active recovery and believing i could be a lot more active than i currently was. I remember the specialist physio in early December saying i was healed, but it took my holiday at CLS for my mind and my body to finally believe that my pelvis had finally healed and i could do more.

10/2/24 - 1st Southampton tri club swim session since my accident! i didn't do all the sets, and managed 45mins before calling it a day. But wow, i felt so pleased with myself. 

Lovely mini break to Derbyshire to watch the superbowl then Birmingham to be a tourist with my niece
We didn't walk as much as i couldn't manage any long climbs or uneven surfaces but we still managed walks of nearly 3kms

I'm now walking every day
i can do an hour on the stationary bike
i can swim at least 1.2km in the pool

But i'm still not doing anything too high impact, i'm not cycling outside and i'm still struggling domestically with housework - cooking and cleaning. Everything is taking so much longer than it used to pre accident. Jenny is still doing my gardening and i'm too scared to stand on a step ladder so unable to sort out my curtains, clean my windows or manage a big shop if i'm not in a friends car

My groin is still sore 
My left glute and side of leg is sore
The small of my back is sore especially when at work as sitting a lot so i'm very aware of making sure i move at least every hour 

Then finally I had my 1st physio appointment paid via drivers insurance - 14/3/24 and then on the 15/3 i cycled outside for the first time in 7 months.

I also started my 8 online counselling sessions. 
I'm rather stuck reliving my accident seemingly every day. 
It's still very vivid

Plus started getting at least monthly sports massages - both Miche and Lizzy can feel that my left side - glute, hip, thigh is much tighter than my right, but both are very pleased with how strong i do feel which is great news and bodes well for the future

Mum managed to break her hip 3/3 - i'd been away that weekend up in London. Back in the Dame Alice Owen pub for Claire's 60th birthday party. This time i was dancing with no sticks but in max 10-15minute blocks and then have a rest. 
My last dance was about 5minutes before i was just too tired / sore to continue. Great fun though.

Everything was feeling as if i was moving in the right direction. Nothing was quick but it all felt steady.

Physio was useful - when we finished 11/4 she reckoned i was at 90% healed. That i can now do anything i want to, i just need to ease into it and build up slowly. Sports massages would be useful, explore a personal trainer and my events 1/9 - Challenging Events sprint tri and 15/9 Ashtead 10k are both absolutely fine as i have the summer to train

19/3/24 i got the results for my yearly type2 diabetes blood test.
Since being diagnosed December 2019 when my blood sugars were 64 (normal is under 42, pre diabetic 42-47, diabetic if 48 or above), my blood sugars had hovered around the 46-48 mark. GP not worried.
I got a call from Lindsey the diabetic nurse at my surgery - my bloods were 84
When i asked her if this spike was due to inactivity and chocolate - she said no. This was due to a catastrophic incident that the body has had to deal with. My accident. 

Talk about a body blow.
The accident that just keeps on giving
Immediately on a new drug - Gliclazide with a blood sugar monitor and instructions not to drive . In fact i didn't drive until the 5th May

Plus i was now keeping an active eye on how i was feeling as noticing that whenever i was doing anything above slightly normal i was sore.
4/5 - 1st parkrun since my accident 5k run/walk in 44mins - sore left leg. Driving after 30mins - small of back is sore. Stationary bike after 40mins sore left glute. Sat watching TV both sides of glute sore plus goin a bit sore. Parkrun on the 11/5 - 41minutes this time but left side was sore. I did my 1st 10k bike ride outside 12/5 - felt fine at the time but then the small of my back was sore with left side / glute also sore. 
I'm noticing that the small of my back is always sore after 30mins of driving / sitting at work after about 40mins. My groin is sore when i'm active and my left leg can get sore 

When i finished physio i said my pain level was a 1 maybe 2 - just a constant niggle which my physio reckoned was because i was now getting so much more active so this would be muscle soreness. 
It's now 6 weeks since my last physio and i've still got a constant niggle pain of 1-2 which i certainty never experienced pre accident. Hopefully this will go but it's now been over 10months since my accident and i'm nowhere near back to my pre accident level of fitness!!

I do though have to remember that on the afternoon of the 16/7/23 i could manage just 7 steps with a walker before having to get back into bed and my pain level was at least a 7 
I'm now doing parkrun, can walk for over an hour without needing a rest, can easily cycle over 10km outside and is back in the pool.  

But i also have to remember that on the morning of the 15/7/23 i was 2 weeks away from swimming 3.8km, cycling 180km and then running a marathon all within the 17 hour cutoff. 


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