Monday 27 May 2024

Accident timeline part 1 = 15/7 - 31/8/24

I've got my accident medical on the 8/6/24 so thought i'd have a think about my accident timeline

15/7/23 left work 8pm, 8:30pm ish car pulls out of the left side road by the lights on commercial road just as i was cycling past
Ambulance called, off to A&E. Honestly thought i was just badly bruised and felt like i'd done the splits.
Fractured pelvis in 3 places.
Admitted to a ward 5am on the 16/7 and managed 7 steps using a walker so didn't need surgery
17/7 F5 pink bay (no leaving work early to go swimming at Ellingham)
18/7 physio Gemma & trying to get out of a flat bed - was sick from pain (no going round to K&S's after work)
19/7 moved to RHS rehab unit (no RR10 #8 at Wide Lane)
20/7 - 1st shower since accident (no cycling to Winchester to see the WSA graduation at the Cathedral)
21/7 - No visiting Alison's new home with Vik
22/7 - No STC swimming but did manage expelling 7 days worth of xx in 45mins!! oh the relief xx

24/7 - went from a walker to crutches, also police came to take my statement
25/7 - moved to new room
26/7 - am now allowed to be on my own on my crutches if want to get out of bed / leave my chair. Did stairs (4 steps)  in the gym 
27/7 - breakfast club, balance exercises and the OT visited my flat
28/7 - we (me, Suzanne, Sue and Jenny) are not off to Nottingham
29/7 - got into a wheelchair and went downstairs to the atrium and was visited by A, Vik, Shaz, Pam, Karyn
30/7 - i'm not doing the Outlaw full ironman - instead spent the day following it on my phone

31/7 - i'm not travelling back from Nottingham about to enjoy 8 days annual leave
1/8 - Debs, Katie and Emily visited, back to the atrium in a wheelchair 
2/8 - not doing RR10 #9 at Badgers Farm, last night in hospital = 19 days!
3/8 - HOME - took about 4 hours to unpack my 8 bags! 
6/8 -  first shower on my own. Amy & B who are both OTs helped me to go down then back up my stairs as i'm in a 1st floor flat. Jenny did my garden

11/8 - grab rail for the shower installed - not yet needed
12-15th August - not off to The Gower camping for Karyn's birthday

14/8 - first time i left my flat - managed a slice of pizza in East Street
16/8 - morning trip to Calshott to watch Rachel and Lynda OWS
17/8 - managed to walk to spec savers with Sue. Utterly shattered.
18/8 - Make N Brew with the Ali's
19/8 - cheered at Southampton parkrun with Vik while sat on a camping chair
20/8 - no day trip to Bristol to see Kazzie but did do an overnight at Suzanne and Richards

21-23/8 no trip to Devon with Nessie to see Phil
24/8 first outing on my own - took 57mins to walk to the Quays for my breast screening

28/8-31/8 no trip up to York and Lancashire to see family
30/8 1st community physio session

Friends visiting every day
So hard to sleep as in pain, hard to get comfortable
Waves of sadness about accident and physically still in so much pain
But also so happy to be back in my flat

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