Saturday 15 June 2024

Day1 getting back to training

Swim - Ellingham 1300m 45mins
Cycle - New Forest 22k 1:07
Then breakfast
Home - Jenny did some gardening
Then nothing
8:30pm - in bed listening to podcasts, utterly shattered but feeling so epic!!

Groin is sore, small of back abit sore.

I know I can do all 3 distances of the 1/9 Challenging Events sprint triathlon - club champs 

I've now got 2.5months to get my times quicker, up my strength, conditioning and mobility and increase the tine on my feet, time on the bike, time in the pool.

Also, after last weeks accident medical it's pretty obvious that although Lizzie will be going long she won't be doing it next year

I'm now thinking Swashbuckler for 2025 and maybe at least one more half and any other event that looks fun.
Then 2026 for The Outlaw 🤗🥳

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